Ways to Give
An outright gift of cash, checks, securities, stocks, real estate, and personal property transfers immediately to University Liggett School from the donor to support the priority need of the school. Gifts are fully deductible for federal income tax purposes. Gifts can be made in honor or in memory of a special person, and University Liggett School will notify the honoree/family of your generosity. In addition, many alumni classes join together during major reunion years to make a "class gift" and support a special fundraising project.
Cash gifts are the easiest and most direct way to give to University Liggett School. There are several ways to make your gift:
Use our online giving form as a secure and convenient way to support University Liggett School. Make your personal or business check payable to:
University Liggett School
Development Office
1045 Cook Road
Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236
For more information about how to make a gift to University Liggett School please call us at 313.884.4444.