Waiting for a Decision - Now What?
Our admission team works with roughly 250 applicants and their families each admission season. We strive to get to know each candidate and make the best decisions for the students and the school.
We understand you might be anxious to receive a decision. Please refer to our decision dates to help you understand when you should expect to hear news from us. With limited space and funding, we are not able to admit every qualified student who applies. Scholarships and financial aid awards will be communicated at the same time as admissions decisions.
Candidates may be admitted, wait-pooled (for space and/or funding), or denied. Decision notifications will be communicated following the application deadline. Decisions for applications received after the deadline will be communicated on a rolling basis. We encourage you to apply early.
If You're Accepted
Congratulations! The admissions committee has decided that you are precisely the type of student who will thrive at University Liggett School. You will receive an acceptance package including an enrollment contract and information about tuition, financial awards, and scholarships (if applicable). Make sure to respond by the enrollment deadline to secure your place. Students who do not accept the contract by the posted deadline may lose their place to a student in the wait pool.
If You're Wait Pooled
Candidates may be placed in the wait pool for a variety of reasons. Often, this decision is determined by space or funding limitations. Each year, we are able to offer admission to a handful of students in the wait pool. Make sure to let your admissions associate know if you want to remain in the wait pool. Hang in there. There is still hope.
If You're Denied
If you didn’t get the news you were hoping for, it’s okay to feel disappointed. Please keep in mind that we receive many more applications than spaces available. These decisions are made after careful consideration about a student's ability to be successful at our school.