Announcing our Vision
One year ago, we embarked upon “Our Vision. Our Future.,” a comprehensive, community-wide undertaking to solidify the most important aspects of our school’s foundation in preparation for a five-year strategic journey. Since our launch in November 2023, thousands of ULS Knights have worked tirelessly to reestablish our Core Values, reimagine our Mission, and shape our strategic direction. Even with that, we are just getting started.
Today, we reach the next important milestone in our journey as we enthusiastically share the most meaningful expression of where our journey will lead through the release of our Vision.
Over the next five years, we will fulfill our Vision by completing an array of strategic initiatives, which will advance the school in remarkable ways. As we move forward, we will be best positioned for success when our work draws upon the talents of, and commitment from, the entire ULS community. In that spirit, thank you for your support and engagement as, together, we turn dreams into reality.
Click here to watch our Vision announcement.