Knight Spotlights

Alumni Knight Spotlight: Andrew Watkins ‘00
Job Title, Profession: : President and COO,
Current Hometown: Chicago, IL

Andrew Watkins

I have been in Chicago for almost 20 years, after a few years in Boston. Worked in consulting and then 8 years ago co-founder a technology platform to make state and local government procurement easier.  We live in Lincoln Park and enjoy being able to walk around the city to restaurants, events, and parks.  I spend a lot of time going to kids sports or dance classes. Still love to swim, play golf and scuba dive (when I can).

Name of spouse, children's names/ages if applicable: Molly (wife), Pierce(11), Lillian (9)

What's on your music playlist these days? Same as it ever was: lots of Classic rock and 90s rock, much to the disappointment of my kids

What's the latest book you've read? The Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson

Favorite time of year? Why? Fall - Warm days, cool nights

Your greatest adventure to date? SCUBA diving in the Maldives (although starting a company is an insane adventure)

Favorite lunch at ULS? Chicken Patties

Best decision you've ever made? Going to Swiss Semester my sophomore year. It helped me come out of my shell and be the person I wanted to be.

Favorite memory of Cook Road? Random extracurricular with friends: soccer/basketball game, Spirit Week, treasurer hunt, going to school

Favorite Treat: Salty or Sweet? Details please! Salty - Probably pretzels with some sort of dip

If you had a theme song, what would it be? Don't Stop Believin'

Your favorite teacher at ULS? And why? Leslie Jeffs. Great teacher, interesting discussions and still a friend

Cats, dogs or no pets? Names of pets, if applicable! Dog -- puppy named Duncan

What's your favorite movie? Almost Famous

Aside from necessities, what is one thing could you not go a day without? Exercise

If you could live in a different country for a year, which country would you choose? South Africa

What's on your bucket list? Trip to French Polynesia and the Great Barrier Reef with my family

Name five things that make you happy: The beach, walking around the neighborhood, movies with the family, ice cream, good meals

University Liggett School Alumni